
вторник, 19 апреля 2011 г.

RSS: Вакансии программистов и ИТ специалистов на Job4IT.Net (17 сообщений)

Job4IT    RSS: Вакансии программистов и ИТ специалистов на Job4IT.Net
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  • Senior PHP / в Киеве
    DMS Consulting (http://www.dms-consulting.com) is looking for a full-time Senior PHP Developer. You will be working on an innovative projects with the customers from USA and Switzerland. Candidate must have 2+ years experience with PHP development and experience with Symfony, Joomla or other PHP F...

  • C# developer/ Senior Developer / в Киеве
    Outsourcing company with the lead office in New York is looking for a full-time skilled C# Developer/ Senior Developer to join our team in Kyiv office. Required skills: • strong knowledge of C#, SQL, JavaScript and HTML/CSS • strong knowledge of ASP.Net • ORM experience (NHibernate/Linq2Sql et...

  • Senior ASP.NET/ C# / в Киеве
    DMS Consulting (http://www.dms-consulting.com) is looking for ASP.NET C# Senior to work on the full time basis in our Kyiv office. We are looking for confident, enthusiastic, proactive, fast learning and results-oriented people to join our team to work on the challenging projects. Required ski...

  • Perl-программист / в Киеве
    Компании требуется Perl-программист для разработки web-приложений. Основные требования: - Быстрое и качественное решение поставленных задач, связанных с интернет-технологиями. - Умение работать в команде (из нескольких человек). - Личные качества: ответственность, добросовестность, позитивно...

  • Game Analyst Intern / в Киеве
    We're are a Silicon Valley based startup with offices in San Francisco and Kiev. We provide All-in-One monetization suite that helps game companies, dating sites, social networks make money with payments and advertising. We're looking for smart, analytical interns who can play games all day and a...

  • Senior Business Development Manager / в Киеве
    We're are a Silicon Valley based startup with offices in San Francisco and Kiev. We provide All-in-One monetization suite that helps game companies, dating sites, social networks make money with payments and advertising. We're looking for a dynamic and innovative business development person who c...

  • CPA Advertising Sales Manager / в Киеве
    We're are a Silicon Valley based startup with offices in San Francisco and Kiev. We provide All-in-One monetization suite that helps game companies, dating sites, social networks make money with payments and advertising. We're looking for a dynamic and innovative advertising sales professional wh...

  • PHP Developer / в Киеве
    We're are a Silicon Valley based startup with offices in San Francisco and Kiev. We provide All-in-One monetization suite that helps game companies, dating sites, social networks make money with payments and advertising. We're looking for PHP developers to join our Kiev team. Desired skills ...

  • Senior PHP Developer / в Киеве
    We're are a Silicon Valley based startup with offices in San Francisco and Kiev. We provide All-in-One monetization suite that helps game companies, dating sites, social networks make money with payments and advertising. We're looking for Senior PHP developers to join our Kiev team. Desired sk...

  • 3d моделер / в Львове
    Необхідні навики: 3ds max, вміння читати технічну документацію (архітектурні, інженерні креслення) Обов*язки: Моделювання об*єктів фурнітури, декору, архітектури з високим рівнем деталізації згідно з наданими інженерними/архітектурними специфікаціями. Робота в офісі, повний день. Лише Львів. Про к...

  • 1C Consultant / в Львове
    Ти особливий! Приєднуйся до професіоналів! Все дуже просто: компанія – це її працівники. У SoftServe, ми робимо усе можливе, щоб наші колеги мали широкі перспективи для повної реалізації їх потенціалу і ми це довели: згідно з результатами дослідження, проведеного Hewitt Associates та HR Center, ...

  • QA/QC Expert / в Львове
    The difference is you! Join professionals! Quite simply, a company is its people. At SoftServe, we're dedicated to giving our people a wealth of opportunities to reach their full potential, and we proved it: according to Hewitt Associates and the HR Center SoftServe is recognized as a "Best Employe...

  • QA/QC Expert / в Днепропетровске
    The difference is you! Join professionals! Quite simply, a company is its people. At SoftServe, we're dedicated to giving our people a wealth of opportunities to reach their full potential, and we proved it: according to Hewitt Associates and the HR Center SoftServe is recognized as a "Best Emplo...

  • BI Software Engineer / в Москве
    The difference is you! Join professionals! Quite simply, a company is its people. At SoftServe, we're dedicated to giving our people a wealth of opportunities to reach their full potential, and we proved it: according to Hewitt Associates and the HR Center SoftServe is recognized as a "Best Emplo...

  • Silverlight Software Engineer / в Львове
    The difference is you! Join professionals! Quite simply, a company is its people. At SoftServe, we're dedicated to giving our people a wealth of opportunities to reach their full potential, and we proved it: according to Hewitt Associates and the HR Center SoftServe is recognized as a "Best Employe...

  • Cobol Software Engineer / в Львове
    The difference is you! Join professionals! Quite simply, a company is its people. At SoftServe, we're dedicated to giving our people a wealth of opportunities to reach their full potential, and we proved it: according to Hewitt Associates and the HR Center SoftServe is recognized as a "Best Emplo...

  • Senior QA/QC Analyst / в Львове
    The difference is you! Join professionals! Quite simply, a company is its people. At SoftServe, we're dedicated to giving our people a wealth of opportunities to reach their full potential, and we proved it: according to Hewitt Associates and the HR Center SoftServe is recognized as a "Best Emplo...

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